Many are working from home and with this means phishing attempts are on the rise. Opening attachments or clicking links that are unexpected could put your organization and your home network at risk. Remember to contact the sender to verify if their message was intended and safe.
Reminders to help you stay secure while working from home:
- Follow your companies stated security policies. Specifically keeping your laptop secure and only use approved software and processes.
- Secure company and client documents in your possession and keep them out of sight.
- Always lock your laptop when you are away and place in a secure location.
- When returning to work, all documents should be returned to be stored or disposed of per your corporate data policies.
- It is a best practice to print documents to .pdf instead of printing paper at home. If a paper copy is necessary, the saved .pdf file can be printed upon return to the office. Keeping a “To Be Printed” folder saved on your secured network can be accessed and files moved to correct storage location after printing. Be sure to delete from the “To Be Printed” folder after proper saving.
- Use care when disinfecting your equipment with only a damp cloth or alcohol wipe.
- Always be wary of requests for sensitive information from any email, fax, voicemail or phone call.
- Secure your home network by changing default passwords and keeping your router up to date.
Auditwerx is your compliance business partner and are here for you to answer any questions you have on security or how your staff can work from home securely.