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Auditwerx Blog What is PCI Compliance and Who Needs It

What is PCI Compliance and Who Needs It?

Securing sensitive payment information is crucial in today’s ever-changing digital landscape. The PCI DSS was created in order to encourage and enhance consistent and effective data security measures designed to protect payment account data.

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Auditwerx Blog Understanding the 2022 DoD SRG

Understanding the 2022 DoD SRG

Did you know that according to the 2022 Department of Defense (DoD) Cloud Computing Security Requirements Guide (SRG) the Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) with an IL4 or IL5 status may need a SOC 1 report?

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Auditwerx Blog Auditwerx Can Partner with Your Existing Compliance Tools

Auditwerx Can Partner with Your Existing Compliance Tools

Many organizations use compliance tools throughout the year to maintain or monitor compliance initiatives. These tools offer great convenience, but did you know that you still need a CPA auditor or PCI QSA to complete your organization’s compliance assessment?

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